Like smudges on a mirror, untrue beliefs cause us to experience a distorted realty. From birth most of us are implanted with many beliefs which contradict and hinder the expression of our true, authentic self.
The subconscious mind is like a garden where both weeds and flowers can grow. The weeds have often been planted long ago by well-meaning (mostly)authority figures in our childhood, like our parents and teachers – or by all the social norms you’ve absorbed over the years. To become limitless you must uproot these weeds so there is space to cultivate a garden that reflects your true self.
As tribal humans, we’re all vulnerable to suggestion from authority figures and power structures. Throughout most peoples lives, they have rarely (if ever) questioned statements from these authority figures nor have we analyzed their validity. These statements are suggestions which embed deeply into our psyche and compound over time, shaping our perception of reality.
Simply asking ‘is this true?’ can begin the process of unlocking self-awareness and wider truth. It can also spark a quiet revolution of your mind. Exploring and enhancing your self-knowledge builds a solid foundation which you can use to empower yourself as stand firm in a garden of flowers.
Many of us are held hostage by the weeds which are insidious in our psyche. A well-trodden path of ‘normality’ beckons us out of the garden. We know if we walk this path we are more likely to fit in as well as not carrying the burden of needing to think independently and creatively about forging our own path.
As a free-thinking lady of gentleman, you can calmly challenge this cultural expectation by reflecting on it’s origins. Simply observing and pondering why most people do the things that they do will provide you with interesting insights. Hidden agendas, bad advice, inherited beliefs, inner conflicts and habitual behaviours all litter our society. The truth therefore, is that only you can define your own ‘success’ and fulfillment according to your own needs and desires.
Embracing the infinite possibilities available the you means your potential is limitless. There is no need to aggressively reject all of these authoritarian suggestions. You just begin to reframe them so they align with your own values.
After the initial step of distinguishing and then releasing unhealthy belief, you can choose to reprogram your subconscious mind through carful auto-suggestion and self-talk. As humans our minds have evolved to protect us from danger, therefore, we’re all running a personal narrative in our conscious mind, all of the time. The stories we tell ourselves and about the world (and our place in it) are byproducts of our subconscious weeds and flowers.
Our beliefs are nothing more than opinions which we have turned into facts. If our garden remains unexamined, we will find that most of the opinions planted are those of other people. These ae likely to be limit, restrict and misdirect us. Once we have examined our garden and removed the weeds that do not serve us, it is beneficial to nurture and nourish the shoots that will grow and flower.
The language we use in the privacy of our own minds matter immensely. To be the best versions of ourselves we need to speak to ourselves in a respectful with patience and confidence. You can decide in a single moment to replace your inner critic with an inner coach. As the inner critic breathes down your neck within confines of the garden, your new inner coach wants to operate from a field that the naked eye can not see the boundaries of. The critic has been putting you down but the coach wants to support, inspire and lovingly hold you accountable to a higher standard.
Our mind can be a fertile field which is ready to be sewn with the seeds of personal growth, self-sovereignty and truth. Every word you communicate to yourself and every though to choose to validate acts as a seed that eventually grows to form the fabric of your reality. Note that you can’t control the thoughts that pop into your mind but you can control which you choose to retain and act on. It’s important that you counteract negative beliefs with positive statements.
For example you can respond to a negative thought such as ‘I can’t do this’ with ‘I have all the resources within me that I need to overcome any challenge or achieve nay desire’. This positively assertive self–talk not only fights the limiting belief, it also plants a seed for an expansive future brimming with options and possibilities.
Commencing auto-suggestion for the first time can be challenging and even feel little strange. Stick with it though and your creativity will blossom as you naturally evoke metaphors that poetically paint your own masterpiece. With practice and discernment each step forward represents a brush of paint on your own grand canvas.
Ober time this positive self-talk practice will transform your inner dialogue from one of anxiety and doubt, to one of confidence and boundlessness. Just be mindful that this isn’t about mindlessly repeating affirmations. Rather, you need to really embrace them at a deep level and attach the positive emotions that you want to feel.
Successfully committing to this and integrating a more conscious effort in the way you communicate with yourself will guide your attention to an endless stream of opportunities that you always encounter (but were blind too before). Having the courage to accept these opportunities will lead to a continuous cycle of positive reinforcement and maximum personal growth.
Modern neuroscientists have validated many older philosophies and spiritual practices. The neuroplasticity of the brain shows that rewiring the subconscious is more than possible if the right techniques and attitudes are adopted. If you would like to work with me to uproot your weeds and plant new seeds that will flower, please consider my spiritual consulting service which I can offer in-person or remotely.